Donations for the Community of Uvalde
Uvalde Ministerial Alliance
The Uvalde Ministerial Alliance, as a witness of unity among the churches, strives to be a strong Gospel presence of compassion and service to Uvalde County and beyond.
Mission Statement
The Uvalde Ministerial Alliance (UMA) is a nonprofit organization comprised of local churches devoted to serving the community of Uvalde. Monetary donations to UMA allow us to provide the following for the community:
Temporary Lodging: In partnership with a local hotel, we cover the cost of temporary lodging for those in need.
Prescription Drug Costs: In partnership with Community Health Development, Inc., UMA covers prescription drug costs for patients who need assistance.
H.O.T.T Days, or Helping Out The Town, is the annual mission work week held during the summer, creating an opportunity for local youth groups to serve the community by completing yard work. Monetary donations to HOTT Days are utilized to purchase supplies, maintain equipment and tools, and feed the volunteers.
(HOTT Days also accepts donations of working lawnmowers, weed eaters, chainsaws, and garden tools. Please contact Ralph Huerta at First Baptist Church Uvalde at 830-278-6283 for more information.)
Checks, made payable to
Uvalde Ministerial Alliance,
can be sent to
220 N. High Street
Uvalde, TX 78801
Wire Transfer
Electronic payments through your financial institution can be made to the Uvalde Ministerial Alliance. For information, please contact
HopeForUvalde@gmail.com or
call Uvalde Methodist Church at 830-278-3135.
Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation
Uvalde Consolidated ISD has announced the creation of the
Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation,
a nonprofit foundation established to help collect funds to build a new elementary campus for the Uvalde CISD.
Please visit www.uvaldecisdmovingforward.org to learn more.
The Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country
The Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country is the region’s philanthropic endowment, created to support charitable and civic efforts now and for the long term.
Uvalde Forever Fund
Immediately following the tragic events of May 24th, two 501(c)(3) donation funds were established for Uvalde.
The Uvalde Forever Fund, formerly the Uvalde Strong Fund, is a relief fund for the community of Uvalde. With the guidance of a local Advisory Committee, grants have been awarded to organizations and nonprofits offering services and opportunities to help individuals, families, and the community in the healing process, focusing specifically on mental health, community development, and youth activities. The Uvalde Forever Fund has awarded grants to Bluebonnet Children’s Advocacy Center, El Progreso Memorial Library, KLRN, (view Press Release) and KABOOM! for the new playground at Uvalde Dual Language Academy (view Press Release). In addition to the grants awarded recently, the Advisory Committee has designated $1 million for the development of a community center. The details of this project are developing.
The second fund, the Uvalde Strong Survivors Fund, went directly to those directly affected by the events of May 24th through the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund. These donations were distributed starting November 14, 2022.
For more details, call (830) 896-8811 or email uvaldeforeverfund@communityfoundation.net.
Playspaces for Children
KABOOM! is the national nonprofit committed to ending playspace inequity, ensuring that every child in every community has a great place to play.
The City of Uvalde and KABOOM! have identified a need for 13 small neighborhood and large community parks, as well as school playgrounds, that need to be created or replaced. Donations will help build playspaces for children in Uvalde to help recapture some of the joy of childhood and support unity and healing in the community.
Help the Uvalde CISD Schools
Uvalde CISD Parent Teacher Organization
The Uvalde CISD PTO is a non-profit educational 501(c)(3) organization for the benefit of Uvalde CISD campuses.
Click HERE to view their information on how to help.
Follow them on Instagram @uvaldecisdpto
Donations for the Community of Uvalde
The funds listed below are being collected to assist the long-term resiliency of the community of Uvalde. Please use the provided links for more information on each of the organizations and how the funds will be distributed.
San Antonio Area Foundation is a philanthropic organization helping connect charitable individuals, families, and businesses to nonprofits and other charitable organizations to address the San Antonio area’s needs. The SA Area Foundation has three funds for the community of Uvalde.
The “Uvalde Strong Fund is an supports nonprofits providing urgently-needed assistance for school programs, mental health services, and family support in the Uvalde Community.” (saafdn.org)The Sport for Healing Fund is a collaborative effort by “[m]embers of the Texas and national professional sports communities [… to] provide long-term support for the Uvalde community by creating and investing in trauma and healing-centered care for youth and families. The NBA, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Stars, Houston Rockets and San Antonio Spurs are teaming up to provide the initial funding for the Sport for Healing Fund. Efforts will be anchored around sports and building safe places, like community outdoor play areas, where young people can play and heal through on-the-ground mental wellness and counseling resources.” (saafdn.org)
The “Uvalde Strong Survivors Fund” for victims and their families went directly to those directly affected by the events of May 24th through the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund. Donations are no longer accepted by this fund as of October 20th, 2022. These gifts were distributed to the families beginning November 14, 2022.
Please click HERE to donate.
United Way is an international, privately funded charity serving 95% of U.S. communities and 37 countries and territories. United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County supports programs and services within San Antonio and Bexar County focusing on “[preparing] young children for life, help students succeed, foster self-sufficiency for individuals and families, and support people in crisis.” (United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, 2022)
In response to the Robb School tragedy, United Way created the United with Uvalde fund “to support immediate and long-term mental health services. The funds will also address any emerging needs that develop in the future. 100% of the fund will support the students, teachers and families in Uvalde. Funds will be made available to nonprofit organizations with experience and expertise in providing direct mental health services for communities impacted by trauma.” (United Way San Antonio and Bexar County, 2022)
This fund is no longer receiving donations. Please use the links about for information on how the funds were used.