Uvalde Together We Rise Fund
Donations for Victims
The Uvalde Together We Rise Fund is a philanthropic effort directed by The National Compassion Fund (NCF) in partnership with a local Steering Committee to develop and implement a distribution plan for financial support for the families of those impacted by the tragedy on May 24, 2022.
Donations to all participating funds for victims are no longer accepted as of October 20, 2022. Distributions of the funds collected were distributed beginning November 14, 2022.
“NCF helps survivors navigate the [application and distribution] process in a respectful, dignified, victim-centered manner. The organization also preserves the intent of the donors who want to know that their gift is going directly to those harmed and will not be used for other purposes.” (Press Release “National Compassion Fund to Distribute Victim Funds”, June 17, 2022). Funds from 5 primary accounts will be pooled into the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution based on the protocol established by the Steering Committee.
The Robb School Memorial Fund at First State Bank of Uvalde
A GoFundMe page created by VictimsFirst, a nonprofit network of families of deceased and survivors from previous mass shootings
An account at the OneStar Foundation in Austin
Uvalde Strong Survivors Funds at the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country and the San Antonio Area Foundation
The Uvalde Community Response Fund with the Texas Bankers Foundation
Please visit the NCF page for the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for details on the protocol.
Protocol details are available in English and Spanish.
Partners in the Effort
The National Compassion Fund is a subsidiary of the National Center for Victims of Crime, the nation’s leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims and those who serve them. The National Center for Victims of Crime is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and an authority on how victims are compensated for loss. The National Compassion Fund has led distributions to victims of mass events in Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Orlando, Las Vegas, El Paso, and Parkland, Florida.
Founded in 1907, First State Bank of Uvalde has played an essential role in Uvalde’s growth and development. The Bank manages approximately $2-billion in assets and has locations in Dimmit and Real counties in addition to its Uvalde County branches. The Bank collected donations for victims through the Robb School Memorial Fund. These donations were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution.
OneStar Foundation, based in Austin, is a nonprofit focused on strengthening Texas communities by creating pathways for individuals and organizations to engage, connect and accelerate their impact. It advances service and volunteering as effective solutions to our state’s toughest social challenges. As a nonprofit born from state government, OneStar carries out its unique mission with direction and guidance from the Office of the Texas Governor.
OneStar Foundation supported Uvalde by serving as the public charity receiving donations for the Robb School Memorial Fund in coordination with First State Bank of Uvalde. Based on the local steering committee’s direction, these funds were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution.
The Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country, based in Kerrville, is a public charitable foundation that makes grants to nonprofits and awards academic scholarships in 10 counties: including Bandera, Blanco, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Real, and Uvalde. The Community Foundation collected donations for survivors through its Uvalde Survivors Fund. These donations were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution.
The San Antonio Area Foundation (SAAFdn) has served as the city's community-giving headquarters for nearly 60 years, growing to become one of the top 20 community foundations in the nation. The Area Foundation serves as San Antonio’s most trusted and impactful philanthropic partner, managing more than 500 charitable funds nearly $1 billion in assets. The Area Foundation collected donations for survivors through its Uvalde Survivors Fund. These donations were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution.
The Texas Bankers Association (TBA) and Independent Bankers Association of Texas (IBAT) have united to establish the Uvalde Community Response Fund under the auspices of the Texas Bankers Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides disaster relief, financial literacy, and educational support. Donations were collected from individual banks, their employees and customers as well as major national brands. These donations were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund for distribution.
VictimsFirst is “a network of surviving victims of mass casualty crime and trusted supporters who have first-hand experiences of the problems and re-victimization that accompany these acts when there is a lack of coordinated effort and/or understanding of what survivors need.” (VictimsFirst.org) They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to serve victims of mass casualty crimes through pro bono work.
VictimsFirst established a Uvalde victim’s fund to collect donations for survivors. These donations were pooled with the Uvalde Together We Rise Fund.