El Centro de Resiliencia Juntos Uvalde patrocina “Prosperando A través de Estaciones de Dolor Seminario,” con la autora Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie, miembro de la Alianza Ministerial de Uvalde. Este seminario se centrará en cómo superar las decepciones, los cambios y las pérdidas de la vida. Será presentado en inglés y traducido al español.
El seminario sera en
Iglesia Casa El Shaddai
Miercoles, 23 de Agosto
a las 7:00 pm.
Para registrarse correo electrónico kathleenmaxwell1@gmail.com. Libro gratuito entregado a cada participante, “Prosperando A través de Estaciones de Dolor.”
The Uvalde Together Resiliency Center is sponsoring “Thriving Through Seasons of Grief,” featuring author Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie, a member of the Uvalde Ministerial Alliance. This seminar will focus on how to overcome life’s disappointments, change, and loss. It will be presented in English and translated into Spanish.
The seminar will be held at the
Casa El Shaddai Church
Wednesday, August 23rd
at 7:00 pm.
Please register by emailing kathleenmaxwell1@gmail.com. Each participant will receive a copy of her book, “Thriving Through Seasons of Grief.”
Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie is a Ministerial Alliance Member
Contact: Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie at kathleenmaxwell1@gmail.com