“Hi my name is Jordyn Boutwell, and I am hosting a community wide event for the kids of Robb Elementary and Uvalde community. Many may wonder why I have decided to take on such a big project for this town and the reasoning behind the cause is from an unexpected experience that will affect my life forever. In 2018, I was a freshman in high school when my school underwent a mass shooting. Since that day I realized my life will never be the same, but I understood I had two ways to deal with that overwhelming information. I could either let this tragedy control my life or I could make a positive impact on this world. Since then I have been spreading my story through a safety presentation I created called “See Something Say Something” where I discuss handling life threatening situations. I also took it upon myself to get certified in mental health, first aid, where I was taught to look out for some signals of someone experiencing mental illness to try and help prevent these situations. Although I can’t control these horrible tragedies from occurring. I can support the individuals and community that is going through a situation no one should. This is why Santa Fe will be supporting Uvalde with a community wide event to allow these kids to come together to have a fun family friendly gathering. Santa Fe will be there to show that we understand, we support and we will rise from this hardship together.” - message from Jordyn Boutwell